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Master System (Pet): Możemy stworzyć swojego mastera (pet), który po osiągnięciu 300 lvl daje nam stały boost (na każdym stage jeden boost do wyboru, nie można dublować)
* 150x Ultra essence (z UI mobow (NPC Future Travel na wyspie Future) | Box (DBV shop))
* 150x GOD essence (z GOD Mobów (wyspa Future) | Box (DBV shop))
- Mamy 3 Stage* (etapy) mastera [1 stage = 300 lvl)
- Po osiągnięciu 300 lvl przez mastera możemy wybrać boosta, wtedy Master resetuje lvl oraz zamieniony wygląd (co stage inny)
- Przy osiągnięciu przez master 80, 160 lub 220 levelu dostaje on nowy wygląd (addon na każdym progu)
- Master nie może być atakowany, nie może atakować, można przez niego przechodzić (także potwory), nie widać go w Battle
- 'Expiąc' przy 'obudzonym' Masterze dostaje on 10%/9%/8%.. (-1% co stage) expa od zabitego potwora (liczy surowy exp - bez bonusów gracza/eventu!) | Za PVP otrzymuje max 10k exp.
~ Master Daily - Możemy także dodawać naszemu masterowi expa poprzez wykonywanie Daily! (na końcu poradnik)
* Po osiągnięciu 3 Stage (i 300lvl) mamy dodatkowo 7 Etapów (stage)
~ Nagroda: Buff (wzmocnienie) wybranych wcześniej boostów + Lalka Mastera
Boosty możliwe do wyboru:
Master Boost: ([1, 2, 3] stage can select)
[1] +5 Power / 5sec | Buff: NO
[2] +5% Protection | Buff: +1%
[3] +5% PVM Dodge [2]
[4] +5% PVP DMG | Buff: +1%
[5] +10% Balst DMG | Buff: +2%
[6] +8% Exp | Buff: +1%
[7] +10% PVM DMG | Buff: +1%
[8] +10% Glove/Sword Prot | Buff: +2%
[1] +5 Power / 5sec | Buff: NO
[2] +5% Protection | Buff: +1%
[3] +5% PVM Dodge [2]
[4] +5% PVP DMG | Buff: +1%
[5] +10% Balst DMG | Buff: +2%
[6] +8% Exp | Buff: +1%
[7] +10% PVM DMG | Buff: +1%
[8] +10% Glove/Sword Prot | Buff: +2%
Komendy: (lub w kliencie "addons")
!master on - przewołujemy mastera (budzimy)
!master off - chowamy mastera (usypiamy)
!master info - pokazuje lvl, exp, stage mastera
Jak stworzyć:
1. Udajemy się "Rock City" i idziemy wg mapki:

2. Klikamy na "white crystal" Obok NPC i przenosi nas na zamek Zeno (tylko do Mastera!)

3. Rozmawiamy z Zeno Master:
Player [701]: hi
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: master
ZENO Master: I can help you increase your power!
ZENO Master: My subordinates can create their souls master to strengthen warriors!
- There are 3 levels of the master, after each reaching 300 lvl, you can change to the next one (upgrade) and receive new buff You are interested in?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: Okay, I have a good day today.. just get these items for me, I can create them, but you can't have it too easily!
ZENO Master: Item list: 150x Ultra essence, 150x GOD essence. Good luck!
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: master
ZENO Master: I can help you increase your power!
ZENO Master: My subordinates can create their souls master to strengthen warriors!
- There are 3 levels of the master, after each reaching 300 lvl, you can change to the next one (upgrade) and receive new buff You are interested in?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: Okay, I have a good day today.. just get these items for me, I can create them, but you can't have it too easily!
ZENO Master: Item list: 150x Ultra essence, 150x GOD essence. Good luck!
4. teraz musimy zebrać 150x Ultra essence (z UI mobow (NPC Future Travel na wyspie Future)) oraz 150x GOD essence (z GOD Mobów (wyspa Future))
5. Wracamy i piszemy:
Player [701]: hi
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: master
ZENO Master: oo You came back, do you have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: You did it! Now listen carefully:
- You get your master, to call it enter !master or use the option in the client
ZENO Master: - The master is leveled like any player (the master must be awake, and during this time you kill monsters, ONLY the master receives 5% Exp (does not count bonus exp / share exp)
ZENO Master: - Master cannot attack / cannot be attacked
- Maximum level: 300
- After reaching the max level, go back and enter boost to go the next stage and choose your permanent bonus!
ZENO Master: - Is master reaches level 80, 160 or 220 gets an additional look!
- Command !master [info]
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: master
ZENO Master: oo You came back, do you have something for me?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: You did it! Now listen carefully:
- You get your master, to call it enter !master or use the option in the client
ZENO Master: - The master is leveled like any player (the master must be awake, and during this time you kill monsters, ONLY the master receives 5% Exp (does not count bonus exp / share exp)
ZENO Master: - Master cannot attack / cannot be attacked
- Maximum level: 300
- After reaching the max level, go back and enter boost to go the next stage and choose your permanent bonus!
ZENO Master: - Is master reaches level 80, 160 or 220 gets an additional look!
- Command !master [info]
6. Od teraz możemy wywoływać naszego mastera! (komendy powyżej)
- Expimy go 'przy okazji' expienia naszej postaci (dostaje % doświadczenia jak wyżej napisane)
- Po osiągnięciu 300 poziomu mastera udajemy się do ZENO Master w celu wybraniu Boost
~Usypiamy mastera i rozmawiamy z NPC:
Player [701]: hi
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: boost
ZENO Master: If Your master reaches level 300, You can choose BOOST and the master reaches the next stage. If You ready?
Player [701]: yes (Otworzy nam się ramka z Boostami do wyboru | wybieramy np 7)

Player [701]: 7
ZENO Master: Success! You select Boost[3]: +10% Exp Is a final stage. Congratulations!
- NOW: You can continue working with masters! Write bonus to read on...
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: boost
ZENO Master: If Your master reaches level 300, You can choose BOOST and the master reaches the next stage. If You ready?
Player [701]: yes (Otworzy nam się ramka z Boostami do wyboru | wybieramy np 7)

Player [701]: 7
ZENO Master: Success! You select Boost[3]: +10% Exp Is a final stage. Congratulations!
- NOW: You can continue working with masters! Write bonus to read on...
7. Bonus stage! | Buff >> Boost
~Po zabiciu 3 Stage oraz 300 lvl mamy możliwość na dalszy rozwój naszych boostów i samego mastera! (Za kolejne stage nie otrzymamy już do wyboru boostów, możemy wzmocnić (buff) już wybrane wcześniej boosty!)
Info: Aby rozpocząć musimy przejść pierwszy etap w Labi Quest | Shenron Set (przejście przez labirynt)
Master Daily - Jak w przypadku zwykłego Daily dla graczy, tutaj możemy zdobyć dodatkowe doświadczenie dla naszego mastera..
~ W tym celu udajemy się do ZENO Master i rozmawiamy z NPC:
Player [701]: hi
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: daily
ZENO Master: Today mission: [Ghost Monkey] | Kill: 260x. Do you want to make?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: Ok, lets go! Kill 260x [Ghost Monkey]. You have the time to 00:00. (Go back and write done)
ZENO Master: Hello!! (You can create master, select boost, see boost list, change selected boost, get BONUS stage, or make daily for your master)
Player [701]: daily
ZENO Master: Today mission: [Ghost Monkey] | Kill: 260x. Do you want to make?
Player [701]: yes
ZENO Master: Ok, lets go! Kill 260x [Ghost Monkey]. You have the time to 00:00. (Go back and write done)
- Mamy czas do 00:00 (dnia, w którym wzięliśmy daily aby zabić wymagane potwory | Po zabiciu wracamy i piszemy do mastera hi > done > yes
- Aktualne Daily pokazuje na czacie w grze po zalogowaniu (jak w Daily)
- Potwory na Master Daily znajdziemy w drodze na wejścia do BOSSów