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Hard Level | DBVictory | [Back]
Info: Wprowadziliśmy nowy system, który pozwala graczowi na wybranie 1 z 8 opcji trudności wbijania poziomow!
System redukuję otrzymywana ilość expa za zabicie potwora (również exp otrzymywany za taski) w zamian za większy stały przyrost hp/ki postaci.
Dodatkowo wszystkie bonusy exp za pacc/nova arena/boostery/exp scrolle itp również zostają zredukowane wg tabeli.
- Nie działa NPC 'Kills Quest (LOW)'
Hard Level: (ustawienia)
1. Wybór przy zakładaniu postaci (1 - 8) | Normal = 1 (bez strat, bonusów)
2. Zmiana - musimy udać się do NPC ShenLong (temple poziom +1), rozmawiamy z ni m (hi > hard .. )
Player: hi
Shen Long: Hello Warez. I can help you with dragon ball, black dragon ball or hard.
Player: hard
Shen Long:
[1]: Normal Exp | HP: 150 | KI: 160 (dla HIT)
[2]: (Exp: -15% | BExp: -20% | Gain HP/KI: +10% NOW: HP: 165 | KI: 176
[3]: (Exp: -30% | BExp: -30% | Gain HP/KI: +15% NOW: HP: 173 | KI: 184
[4]: (Exp: -45% | BExp: -40% | Gain HP/KI: +20% NOW: HP: 180 | KI: 192
[5]: (Exp: -60% | BExp: -50% | Gain HP/KI: +25% NOW: HP: 188 | KI: 200
[6]: (Exp: -75% | BExp: -60% | Gain HP/KI: +30% NOW: HP: 195 | KI: 208
[7]: (Exp: -90% | BExp: -70% | Gain HP/KI: +35% NOW: HP: 203 | KI: 216
[8]: (Exp: -95% | BExp: -85% | Gain HP/KI: +40% NOW: HP: 210 | KI: 224
Your Hard Level [x] | TYPE: (Type a number in [x] to change Your Hard Level)
- Change Hard level only possible on level 1!
- You will get the experience by reduced x% (whether from quests, events etc.| BONUS EXP (for pacc etc.) is also reduced | Kills Quest (LOW) no work)
Player: 4
Shen Long: Success!
You select Hard Level [4]. From now on you get 55% experience and your gain HP: 180 | KI: 192
Shen Long: Hello Warez. I can help you with dragon ball, black dragon ball or hard.
Player: hard
Shen Long:
[1]: Normal Exp | HP: 150 | KI: 160 (dla HIT)
[2]: (Exp: -15% | BExp: -20% | Gain HP/KI: +10% NOW: HP: 165 | KI: 176
[3]: (Exp: -30% | BExp: -30% | Gain HP/KI: +15% NOW: HP: 173 | KI: 184
[4]: (Exp: -45% | BExp: -40% | Gain HP/KI: +20% NOW: HP: 180 | KI: 192
[5]: (Exp: -60% | BExp: -50% | Gain HP/KI: +25% NOW: HP: 188 | KI: 200
[6]: (Exp: -75% | BExp: -60% | Gain HP/KI: +30% NOW: HP: 195 | KI: 208
[7]: (Exp: -90% | BExp: -70% | Gain HP/KI: +35% NOW: HP: 203 | KI: 216
[8]: (Exp: -95% | BExp: -85% | Gain HP/KI: +40% NOW: HP: 210 | KI: 224
Your Hard Level [x] | TYPE: (Type a number in [x] to change Your Hard Level)
- Change Hard level only possible on level 1!
- You will get the experience by reduced x% (whether from quests, events etc.| BONUS EXP (for pacc etc.) is also reduced | Kills Quest (LOW) no work)
Player: 4
Shen Long: Success!
You select Hard Level [4]. From now on you get 55% experience and your gain HP: 180 | KI: 192
Przykład poniżej jak to wygląda w praktyce:
Za zabicie potwora Rocco gracz bez wybranego poziomu Hard otrzyma ~150000 expa, przyrost hp/ki to 150/160.
Hard [2] -15% exp [127500], przyrost hp/ki +10% więcej [165/176]
Hard [3] -30% exp [105000], przyrost hp/ki +15% więcej [173/184]
Hard [4] -45% exp [82500], przyrost hp/ki +20% więcej [180/192]
Hard [5] -60% exp [60000], przyrost hp/ki +25% więcej [188/200]
Hard [6] -75% exp [37500], przyrost hp/ki +30% więcej [195/208]
Hard [7] -90% exp [15000], przyrost hp/ki +35% więcej [203/216]
Hard [8] -95% exp [7500], przyrost hp/ki +40% więcej [210/224]